Adding villagers to your Village in LEGO Fortnite is how you can expand your world, creating a larger community. There are several requirements you’ll need to meet whenever you want to recruit a villager, as they won’t always say yes when they first meet you.
You’ll need to make sure you have a few things set up to meet these demands, but they’re not too difficult, thankfully. It helps to talk to any villager who passes as they’ll tell you what you are missing and what you have to add. Here’s what you need to know about how to recruit villagers for your village in LEGO Fortnite.
How to Get Villagers in LEGO Fortnite
Talk to villagers to ask them what they need when they want to join your village in LEGO Fortnite, and they typically require a bed and a place to live in your town. You can make a customized setup by having a bed underneath a covered location or make a prebuilt location, such as the Starter Shacks.
The Starter Shacks are a great way to get villages initially invited to join your town in LEGO Fortnite. These are prebuilt locations that have a mountain of resource costs. Still, they make constructing sheltered locations much easier, especially if you don’t want to spend time creating customized buildings for your villagers.
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I built a Double Shack for my first villager and then added a bed. All they needed to join my village in LEGO Fortnite was a bed, and then they were happy to join me. That is when they stuck around. If a villager stood around my village center too long, and I couldn’t help them meet their requirements, they eventually walked away and disappeared. Thankfully, another villager showed up in no time and was eager to join my town, despite it not having too many expansive areas; but we had plenty of room to build more.
Adding villagers to your village is critical to LEGO Fortnite to expand your crafting and upgrades. Plus, when you bring in more villagers to join you, they’re willing to help you out. They want to gather resources, explore with you, and assist in several jobs that you have in your village. You can’t have too many villagers in your town, but make sure they each have a bed to stay in and they’ll be more than happy to join you.
About the author
Zack Palm
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